We have a new member of staff in Warrington & Liverpool!
Name: Arjun Singh – Nickname AJ
Age: 22
Born: Manchester
Football Team: Manchester United, His Area manager Adam Turner is trying to convince him to switch to Arsenal
Likes: Boxing, UFC, MMA, Gym, Traveling, Massive Foodie (Burger connoisseur) & Shopping
Dislikes: Losing
Dream Job: Events Manager/promoter for events such as Boxing or MMA! Loves the planning aspect and making everything have a wow factor!
AJ First Month Thoughts: AJ loves the processes in place at Kenect, everything is coming together really well now. I am learning a lot every day and I believe I am getting stronger every day. From the team I have learned a lot of different aspects of the job, and it is all making me stronger and hungry for success. Work hard, play hard! Love how no one is a robot in the office and individualism is promoted!
Impact from Manager’s point of view: AJ has hit the floor running, he has shown hunger and ambition – especially when hunting down new clients! I believe with time AJ will be giving the team a real run for their money. I am looking forward to seeing AJ progress through the ranks .