Top Tips from Kenect on Making the Most of Your Temp Job

April 20, 2021 | Jason Whittenham

Temp Job TipsTemp work can be seen, as quite a ‘dirty word’ to some, but in reality, it has long been an effective way to bridge the gap between full-time jobs. Many workers also appreciate the flexibility and the opportunity to test drive different employers.

From a recent poll conducted by Kenect Recruitment, nearly 80 percent of respondents said they would consider taking a temporary job, given the current state of the economy and the backlash from the pandemic. Here are some tips for making the most out of your life as a temp:

Go with the job that matches with your goals

The short-term benefit of a temp job is the wages, but you also need to make sure you’re getting the long-term benefit that comes from gaining knowledge, skills, abilities, and relationships.

Take the idea of “flexibility” with a pinch of salt

Not all temp jobs are flexible, that’s a myth. Often temporary positions are rigid, time-bound and measured. They expect you to be there, work hard and when that job is done it’s over.

Give it your all

We would recommend that temporary workers approach each task, project or assignment with the same diligence, commitment, and drive as a full-time job. Arrive on time every day with a positive attitude and demonstrate your willingness to work hard and go the extra mile. If you find that you can get through your regular routine tasks quickly, speak up and volunteer your help in other areas. This is how a lot of our temp staff obtain full time vacancies.

Know who you can’t be

If you are replacing a specific person for a period, you can’t be them! Who you can be is the person who is doing that job for a period to the best of your ability. And then, they might ask for you back again later.

Don’t be a pest

Even if the employer has hinted that your temp job could turn into a permanent placement, don’t pester your supervisors and co-workers for status updates. Work through us instead of bugging the people on site and we will help assist, also, be aware that it’s unusual for a temp job to become permanent in less than 90 days. At that point, we won’t charge the employer a fee for hiring you as a temp into a permanent job. That is why temp to perm roles are so common.

Develop new skills

Take extra steps to learn new technologies, systems, applications, or programs. A temp job is a good way to build up your portfolio by learning, building relationships and practicing skills you may have never used.

Document your accomplishments

Unlike permanent employees, temps don’t get performance reviews, but you should track your accomplishments anyway and turn them into a portfolio of your contributions. Save emails that praise you and note your successes, so you have a good case, if the employer decides it needs someone on a permanent basis.

Work on your network

You may not get hired by your temporary employer, but while you’re there you have a great opportunity to work on your network. The people you meet may be able to introduce you to other great contacts and opportunities. But please remember to let us know if you do get another opportunity so we can support our client’s requirements.

Ask for feedback

At the end of your temporary work, schedule time to talk with the manager and solicit constructive feedback; this effort will show that you are serious about your career and your contributions. Inquire about the opportunity to work with the organisation again, ask for a job or other temporary work referrals, and more importantly, get recommendations from the manager and other key employees you worked with and supported during your tenure.

Leaving feedback. It’s important to leave feedback on recruitment agencies too. Leaving feedback helps other people and anything positive you say about your agency could also create other opportunities.

Jason Whittenham

Jason Whittenham

Co-Founder & Managing Director

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